

I love to write, but I haven’t settled into any one genre.

I have published two books, have a draft novel and a draft screenplay completed, and am tinkering with a couple other writing projects.

The Light After Death

In January 2003, Vincent Tolman was found dead in the bathroom of a small restaurant. He had been dead for over half an hour.

When paramedics arrived, they put him in a body bag and took him away. A rookie paramedic had a feeling to risk his career, break all protocols, and try to resuscitate Vincent. Miraculously, he restarted Vincent’s heart, and Vincent was in a coma for three days.

Vincent remembers what happened on the “other side” while he was dead, and he’s ready to share his experience.

The Light After Death is the incredible true story of how Vincent died, the lessons he learned, his visit to heaven, and how his experience has affected his life since then.

Read this inspiring story that provides a rare and detailed view of what awaits us all when our time on Earth is finished, and how to make the most of the time we have while still here.

The Light After Death is available on Amazon, Kindle, and Audible.

Goal Setting & Success: Make it Happen!

I do have one published book:
Goal Setting & Success: Make It Happen!